It's not even dry yet, I seriously just finished it. The words will clear up once its dried. If you can't read them it says "Someday mankind will stupefy itself into oblivion, it's cities will burn and the Earth will be better for it."
Now I know what you're all thinking. Such a downer, right? Wrong. I like the earth and I like people for the most part. I don't want these things to happen, rather, I hope that by saying it like it is atleast a few people might stop and think for a change and stop being such shitheads. I just want better for you all <3>
Starting on another posi-piece just as soon as the base coat dries. Another one of my favorite topics, greed. I'll keep you updated on it as it progresses.
In other exciting news, I was contacted through Travonna by someone setting up an MS benefit and they want my art as part of the event. Going to have some wall space and also a silent auction. I was left in charge of the art aspect and so I'm having a few of my friends in the show as well. We'll finally get to see some of the Polaroids Ricky's been hoarding. Gina Gordon's going to have some prints and Arlo Moon will have a few pieces as well, possibly a few others.
And wait, and wait, there's more excitement still. Word on the street is there's going to be a 83 Gallery show in...Chicago! Oh yes. Even sweeter is its the weekend of my birthday, Feb 18. Apparently there'll be two shows. One in a warehouse space and another alledgedly in a mansion of some sort in which we'll be staying. Details are vague but me and the Mrs. will most likely fly out and join everyone.
That's all for now. Mickey Mauser is running strong and working on new material after moderate success with our first four shows despite my having laryngitis. See you soon.