Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave...

The good times are most definitely not killing me, keep'em coming. Chicago show went off without a hitch. Not much in the way of business but had a damn good time and made some good friends. CzechsForSEX did not play because the other half of the band got black out drunk and disappeared into the Chicago night. Ran into Hellmouth day of show by chance in a big big city and got to go see them play. That was a strange and pleasant surprise. Came back and got ready for the Love, Cloudhaus show at Via Vecchia. Thank you Jill for that. Will have pieces up there for the month. Actually showed three new pieces I took to Chicago for that show then came back next morning to swap out and take those same pieces to Basil for the MS Society benefit I've been working on for the last couple months, well, working on lining up art anyway. That show was a huge success. They raised over $4,000 and I sold 6 pieces, 50% going to MS. Imagine that, getting to feel good about contributing and making money. I was able to donate more money through that than I ever would out of my own pocket. Getting back to work this week for two shows this weekend. 83 Gallery and Immersion, the newest Cap City show at 831 Clayspace, both this Saturday, March 5. Be there. Busy tomorrow stretching screens for screen printing. Picked up a yard for dirt cheap. Going to start experimenting with doing screenprint series mixing print with hand painted elements, keep an eye out for that.

Let's see, what else...
Mickey Mauser has finished our first demo, 4 songs, sounds good, look for a post soon on the Mauser blog and more shows in the future.

Working on a new piece I should have done in time for the Cap City show this weekend. I never get this far into a post without a picture so, here you go...

Not sure where to go colorwise but do have some words jumbling around in my head.
Went to the big protest at the statehouse today, shot some photos, drank some beers with Ricky and Gina. I like all this action and protest, feels like we could be on the brink of a big era. Things have felt so stagnant for so long. What else? Joss gave me one of his Marilyn pieces my girlfriend had been eyeing for awhile. She was pretty excited about it so, thank you Joss for that, good luck in NYC and elsewhere.
I think that's it for now. I'll post some protest pics and screenprinting updates when I get to them. Feel like I should post another picture so I'll find something to leave you with until next time. Don't forget to come out this weekend, see you all around!

Oh yeah, just remembered. Try and pick up the newest issue of (614) Magazine if you see it. There's a feature on yours truly. I probably sound dumb in the interview but hey, you can't win'em all...Ciaofornow.

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